Room for More

Rowe Family Adoption Story

Rowe Family Adoption Story
"Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it..." Psalm 127:1

Friday, April 27, 2012

"We will not be disappointed"

It is becoming harder and harder to deny God's working in our home. He is not revealing all the details to us yet and when we take our eyes off Him we get cold feet and ask, "What in the world are we doing???". It is clear, however, that He is moving in our hearts and home as we prepare to finalize the adoption of Pavlina and Vanya AND we have our house up for sale.

The for sale sign in our front yard is causing people to inquire. We are purposely not using a realtor or researching to find the most effective way to advertise and sell our house because (for one) it would cost more money and (2) we wouldn't be able to say that God totally did it. Our 1st showing was last night and we have no idea what will come of it, but can trust that God will bring the right family here in His timing. Friends and family keep asking, "Where are you moving or where do you want to move." As God has shown us lately that His plans are so much greater than ours, and usually nothing like ours, we just don't have an answer. We really have NO idea where we will move and are waiting for Him to tell us. You would think that the kids would be scared to death- not knowing where we are going, but they too are excited about waiting for God to reveal His plans to us in His timing.

Evidence of that peace came last night when we were all relaxing in the family room and Vanessa mentioned how God would not disappoint us. Tim asked where that was in the Bible and Vanya quickly chimed in, "For zuh Scdipture says, whoever believes in Him vill not be disappointed." Vanya, the one who has struggled the most lately with picking up English. It is no coincidence that we were memorizing this passage in Romans (10:9-15) when he and Pavlina joined our family almost 12 weeks ago. God knew exactly what words of His needed to be hidden in their hearts that week! And Pavlina, oh my, where do I even begin? The transformation that has taken place from an insecure, 16 year old full of pain and hurt to a bubbly servant who always has a smile, hug, kiss (and/or tickle), is indescribably. She is so teachable and such a quick learner. Last night as I laid down with her briefly to say good night she whispered, "Talk to me, Mommy. Tell me about God." Yes, it was very hard to find words!!!

And that's not all! One more confirmation came yesterday, further evidence that God is in contol of this radical thing we are doing by adopting 2 teenagers into our mix of 6 kids AND completely surrendering our house to God. (Have I mentioned how inadequate we feel for this? That's another blog post in itself!) Anyway, we realized recently that our lateral field needed to be replaced (not a very satisfying expense but certainly necessary with our degree of water usage!) Anyway, we were thrilled when we got the quote that we had just enough to pay for it and pay for the adoption expenses. That is, until they called a few weeks ago to inform us that they needed to make a few changes to their original quote and charge us an additional $1700. As we waited to schedule a date for the work to begin, we saw that we were not going to have that extra amount in time so Tim asked if they could just move us down on the list until we could fully pay for it. You can probably guess what happened yesterday. We were informed that we would be receiving an unexpected blessing (totally unrelated to any of this) in the amount of $1750. Of course, it is exactly what we need to cover this expense and exactly what we need to keep walking this journey of faith. Oh, praise God! His word is true and we certainly are not disappointed!